To edit this project we want to download alight motion application. After that open alight motion application. Click on plus icon on click on ratio which is selected by your choice and click on create project. Now we want to add the image for the beat mark project and click on media and select media and add the image from gallery and click on plus icon on to add it to beat mark project. After that click on plus icon and go to audio and select the audio click on plus icon to add it to the said now we want to add the photos for the project and adjust the photos by clicking move and transform with your fingertips.

After that we want to add the lyrics to the beat project and we want to firstly lyrics can be free downloaded in notepad after that you go to notepad and copy the lyrics from there and paste it to the beat mark project extra part. and again copy the lyrics from there and paste it to the beat mark project. Same process will be continued till the end of lyrics. After that we want to add font for lyrics. And the font is given a description please download it and add it to the beat mark project.

After the completion of adding the lyrics now we want to add the effects to the lyrics or animations to the beat mark project. Keep start as 95, off set X=45, and there is a scale keep it as -100, overlap=145. So guys animation is created. After that click on plus icon and copy the effect from shake it and paste to the lyrics and again effects to another lyrics and the same process will be continued till the end of lyrics the click on share and export option and export the editing video. The editing process will be completed hope you guys will like this editings please support us by visiting our website it will gives us encouragement Thankyou.

Shake Effect :-

Shake effect XML :-

Template & png :-