Today we want to edit about attitude video for that we want download alight motion application. And the alight motion mod APK link in description please download it from there. And I will give you XML, preset links in Description please download it from there and add it to the alight motion application.
After that to open Elite motion application and click on beat mark project from there we can observe a song in the interface. After that click on imagine video and select the images from this said gallery and To The beat mark project and same process will be continued till the end of photos which you will added to the project. After that click on three dots and select they the option fill composition area and full screen the photos. After that we want to check the photos is in adjustable mode or not if there is any adjust photos can we edited by using move and transform and adjust the photo with our fingertips.
After that we want to add the effects to the said photos in beatmark project. For that go to shake effect and click on first photo in shake effect and copy the effects and come back to beatmark project and paste the effects to long duration first photo. And again go to shake effect and copy the second effects and click on three dots and paste the effects to the said beatmark project. For the small duration photos.
And there are various shake effect to add the said project by using shake effects and the attitude dialogue can be visible by shaking effect and we can add the animation to the said beatmark project for that again g back to shake effect and copy the effects by clicking the three dots and paste the effects for the middle long duration photos. And you can play the effect with the attitude dialogue the effects is added to the project. Hence the editing process will be continued please support us by visiting our website Thankyou.
Music beat Xml
Shake effect xml :-