Alight motion New Trending Video Editing in Telugu

In this design I’ll explain about the stylish black screen trending lyrical videotape editing by using alight stir operation. Now simply open Alight stir operation click on the else icon and elect the rate 45 and click on produce design to continue the process of editing. After that click on audio and elect the option view and add the audio which you want to edit in this design elect the audio and click on the else icon to add the song into this design.

else you have only videotape for that click on videotape and click on three blotches and elect the option to prize audio and trim the videotape which is added in this design. And now elect the option rudiments and elect the option download rudiments and elect the effect which you prefer and elect the effect and import it into this design.

Now elect the effect and elect the option to move and transfigure and drop the size of the effect. After that again elect the option rudiments and elect the square symbol. And acclimate the effect and trim the gratuitous part. After that play the effect and see after that elect two layers and acclimate them into small. After that we need to add the song lyrics according to the song for that preliminarily you need to add the song lyrics into tablet and now go back to tablet and copy the lyrics from tablet and come back to this design and bury the copied lyrics by clicking textbook option and elect the option edit textbook and bury it into the textbook subcaste.

After that click on roboto regular and elect the fountain which is given in the description and colour as white and click on right click. After that click on move and transfigure and acclimate the lyrics into this and keep the alignment into middle. After that we need to add the goods for this design for that click on goods and elect the option add effect textbook transfigure with standard settings and elect the option scale and add a crucial frame in starting and keep it as-1.00, and add another crucial frame in before middle and keep it as0.900, and add a crucial frame in middle and keep it as0.12, and add another crucial frame and keep it as0.19. And now play the song and see the goods.

After that again click on textbook and elect the option add textbook and copy the lyrics from tablet and bury them to this subcaste and resolve the subcaste and add continue lyrics and same process will be continued for the remaining lyrics. Hope you guys will understand how to edit the process. Click on the import icon and import the videotape with high quality and it may take some time to reuse and be added to your gallery. Guys please support us by visiting our website your support will give us stimulant to produce further systems and help us a lot in future to produce further editing tutorials thankyou.

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