Attitude status Mass status Telugu status alight motion

For the process of editing this video we want to download alight motion application and the mod apk link is in description please download it from there. After that open application and plus icon and select the ratio 4:5 and click on create project. And I will give you photo link in description please download and add it to the project by clicking media. And click on three dots and select the option full composition area and adjust the photo by using move and transform. And click on image and audio and select the song and add it to the project. And trim the extra unnecessary part.

After that we want to add the lyrics to the said project for that before you editing the video the song lyrics can be add in notepad. And now add the copied lyrics in project. And from the extra part and the same process continues till the lyrics will be completed. And now we can add the font to the said project and the link is in description please download it from there and come back to beatmark project. And click on roboto regular and select the font. And select the colour for the lyrics which you want. And adjust the lyrics by clicking move and transform and adjust the lyrics with your fingertips.

And now we want to add the effects to the said project for that click on photo and click on effects and click on add effects. And click on text and select the effect text transform and select the standard settings. Frm the you can observe some options click on scale option and add the key frames in starting =10.00, middle=1.00 and ending -1.00. after that click on third option and you can adjust the curve with your fingertips.

After that click on effects and click on add effects and select the option blur and select zoom blur with standard settings. We can observe some options in blur effect. Strength=0.50, and add a key frame and keep it as -1.00. after that come to stating and play the video and agai click effects and select the effect professional and add pink colour with standard settings. And now add the key frame in starting and keep y=1200. Now the process of editing will be completed please support us for further editings by visiting our website Thankyou.

Shake Effect :-

Shake effect XML :-