In this design I will explain about how to make trending wind effect by using alight stir operation. Open alight stir operation and click on plus icon and there you can observe several rates and handpick the rate 45 and keep the resolution as 1080 * 1350 and click on yield design to continue the process of editing. After that click on plus icon and handpick the option image and video and handpick the option view all and handpick handpick the image which you prefer to edit in this design handpick it differently I will give you a image link in description please download it from there and add it by clicking plus icon.
And click on move and transform and adjust the image as fit to screen. And come back to starting and click on audio and handpick the option view all and add the song which you want to edit in this design and click on plus icon to add the song.
After that come back to starting and click on text option and handpick the option add text and before that you need to add the lyrics and download from any cybersurfer and bury it to the tablet previously now go back to tablet and copy the lyrics from tablet and come back to beat mark design and bury the lyrics into this caste. And handpick the lyrics colour as white and we need to add the root for the lyrics for that I will give you font link in description please download it from discription and handpick the root by clicking roboto regular and click on plus icon to add.
And adjust the lyrics and zoom the lyrics by using move and transfigure and adjust them with your fingertips. And now we need to add the effect for that click on text caste and handpick the option add text and handpick the text wind effect with standard settings. And handpick the compass and keep it as 45. And handpick the strength and add a pivotal frame in starting and add another pivotal frame before middle and keep it as- 150, and again come back to starting and add another effect and handpick the effect turbulence with standard settings. And scroll down and handpick colour 1 option and handpick the colour red and click on colour 2 and handpick the colour which you prefer and come back to starting and play the song and we can add another effect for that click on first caste and click on add goods and handpick the effect radiance with standard settings.
And click on blend and keep the screen as normal. Keep hardness and birth and handpick them and keep it as full. And handpick compass and keep it as 6. Now play the song and see the goods. Now drag the first caste and split layers and go back to tablet and copy the lyrics from tablet and come back to beatmark design and bury the copied lyrics into this caste.
And again track the alternate caste and go back to tablet and copy the lyrics from tablet and come back to peat mark design and bury the copied lyrics into splited caste. And the same process will be continued till the end of lyrics and keep the each lyric and handpick the option move and transform and adjust the lyrics and room the lyrics with your fingertips and keep the alignment as middle. Now play the song and see the goods added in this design.
Now the process of editing will be completed hope you guys will understand how to edit these type of vids by using Alight stir operation. So guys I am requesting you please be support us by visiting our website it will gives us goad to do further editing tutorials and continue the same support in future thank you for visiting.
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