Hi friends in this video I will explain about how to edit Instagram EFX video editing by using Alight motion application. Now simply open and let machine application and click on plus icon and select the ratio which you prefer they are several ratios can you observe and you can select one of them orr otherwise keep it as 4:5 ratio and keep the background as Black and click on create project for process of editing. And I will give you an XML link and preset in description. And after that select the trending song and divided into clips by using alight motion application for 30 seconds.
After that we need to add the effects for the splitted lyrics. For that open shake effect and copy the first layer effects and copy the effects and come back to beatmark and click on first layer and click on effects and select the option add effect and paste the copied effect into this layer. And again click on second layer and click on effects and click on add effect and paste the copied lyrics into this project and the same process will be continued till the end of the lyrics. After that we want add another effects for that come back to starting and click on plus icon and select rectangle click on there dots and select the option fill composition area and zoom the rectangular into fill screen. After that click on effect and select the effect and select copy background and keep totally as zero.
After the we need to add the effect gaussian blur with standard settings and keep the strength as 150. After that again click on effects and select the effect sharpening with standard settings and keep the strength as 0.3 and select the option radius and keep it as 10.0 and come back to starting and adjust the video and see the effects whether it is added or not. And now select blending and opecity and select contrast and select second option soft lightern and add it and come back to starting. Again we want to add rectangle and click on there dots and select the option fill composition area and zoom the layer.
And now we can add the effect for the project and select the effect copy background and again click on effects and select the effect channel trimp with standard settings and we can add the letters to the project first add Y and select select second line and keep letter R and select third line and add a letter Y.
And select 4th line and add 1. And come back to starting and and click on effects and select the effect hue shift with standard settings and keep is as 120° and again click on add effects and select the effect sharpening and keep it as 0.31. now the process of editing will be completed. Hope you are will like this video and you can also add try this editing process with you pics. I requesting please support us it will gives us encouragement for further editings Thankyou.
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Music Beat XML :-
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