Open alight motion application. Before opening there is and beat mark in description please download it and open in alert motion. First of all you want to add the two photos in beatmark project. Before adding third photo there is an animation for it. For that the photo will be in the ratio of 9:16 and click on it and click on plus icon to select photo and add. Zoom the photo in centre after that click on save as PNG. In the same process we want to edit two photos.
Then come back to shake effect in ending there is a photo and copy the effects from it. And the paste the effect in beatmark project in 2.11 milliseconds. And click on same photo and go to colour and media and select. And paste the effects to 7.11 milliseconds. And add the another edited photo. And now we can add more photos by clicking media.
And now we can add the animation to the photo. Before that go to 17.21 milliseconds and zoom the photo and there is a colour option click on it and keep colour as white.
And the opacity obthe photo will keep as 15%. After that click on effects and from there there are so many effects and you can select the effect ” blink ”. And that the effect with standard settings after completion of this effect. And I will give you the shake if it in description please add to the beat mark project and open it in first there is an effect and copy effect and open beat mark and added to the first photo and again at the effect to the third photo and pays the effects to some photos.
After that go back to shake effect and copy the effects of the first photo and come back to the beat mark project and now we can see that remaining photos which is not added the effect is appear. And paste the effects to remaining photos.So guys the editing process will be completed. Thanks for watching and we need your support for the further editings, Thankyou.
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