To edit this grunge video editing tutorial in this project. Open alight motion application click on plus icon and select the ratios which you prefer they are several ratios you can visible and click on create project to continue the editing. I will give you background image in description please download the image from description and come back to beatmark project by clicking plus icon. After that click on image and click on three dots and select the option fill composition area and zoom the photo after that come back to starting and click on plus icon and select option audio and click on view all and select the Audio from galary which you want to edit and click on plus icon to add it into this project.
After that come back to starting and play the song after that add a mark on the song. After that come back to starting and add a plus icon and select text option and the song lyrics can be add them to notepad. Now go to notepad and copy the lyrics from notepad and come back to beatmark project and click on edit text and paste the copied lyrics in to this layer And keep the alignment as centre. Click on roboto regular and select the font which is given in description and select the colour as light green. After that click on plus icon before that I will give you a image link in description select the image and select the blending and opecity and keep multiply.
And click on text layer and added image layer and set them as a group after that select the group and click on effects and select the option add effects and select box blur effect with standard settings. Keep strength and keep it as 0.00, select the option boarder and shadow and keep it as 10.0, click on possession X =8 & Y=8. And now click on effects and select add effect and select the effect smooth believe with standard settings and select radius and keep it as 8, defuse angle and keep it as 260, and select specular angle and keep it as 360. After that come back to starting and click on plus icon and select the option image and video and I will give you lens layer video with particals in description and zoom the video with move and transform.
After that click on blending and opecity and select the option lightern and select screen option. After that click on add effect saturation and keep them as zero. After that trim the video and select the background image and also be Trim. And select the three layers and keep it as group. After that come back to starting and click on plus icon and select the shape and select the option fill composition area and go to blending and opecity and select mask.
And select the for layers into a group and select the option merge add the all groups into this layer. Now the process of editing will be completed. Now click on export icon and select the option High quality 60fps and click on export icon and export the video and it will take some time to process the video and automatically saved to this galary. Hope you guys wil understand how to edit this project. Please be support the same by visiting our website Thankyou.
Beat Preset
Beat xml
Shake xml