In this video I will explain about trending lyrical video with best animation effect by using alight motion application. Now open alight motion application click on plus icon and select the ratio which you prefer and click on create project. Now I will give you a image link in description please download the image and edit To The beat mark project for that come back to this project and select the option image and video and select the option images and click on view on and add the downloaded image into this project by clicking plus icon. After added the image click on 3 dots and select the option will composition area. And keep the image opacity as 46.
After that we want to add the song to the project for that click on audio and select the option view all before that I will give you song link in description please users can download it from description and added to the project now select the downloaded song and click on plus icon to add the song into project. And extend the background image up to where the song is ended. And now we can add the song lyrics before that you can download the lyrics from any browser and add it to the notepad previously now go back to notepad and copy the lyrics from there and come back to beat mark project and base the lyrics by clicking text option and click on it text and paste the lyrics. And trum the extra part.
And now we can add the font for the lyrics for that click on roboto regular and select the font hugging caps mediam and the link is provided in description you can download it from there. And select the colour which you prefer. A and click on move and transform and adjust lyrics into middle and keep the lyrics as zoom. And extend the lyrics layer upto where the song is ended. After that play the song and where the lyrics is coming stop there and go back to notepad and copy the lyrics from there and paste into this splited layer of to this project. And again play the song and the same process will be continued for the lyrics adding. After that we want to add the lyrics for the project.
Click on effects and select the effect long shadow with standard settings and keep size as 0.5, and keep angle as 77, and select the colour as white, and keep alpha as 84, and again add effects and select the effect long shadow same effect and size and keep ist as 0.50, keep angle as 86, alpha =75%, severity and keep it as 75. After that click on effects and select the effect smooth believe with standard settings. And keep the radius as 6.0, now the process of editing will be completed.
Now select the first layer and copy the effect and paste the same effects to the remaining layers. And play the song and see the effects. After that click on export button and export the video with high quality. Hope you guys will understand how to edit this project. Please support us by visiting our website because it will gives us encouragement for us for further editings Thankyou.
Music Beat :-
Music Beat XML :-
Music :-
Shake Effect :-
Shake effect XML :-